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Antimicrobial Effects of Edible Nano-Composite Based on bean pod shell gum, Nano-TiO2 and Mentha pulegium Essential Oil

Mozhgan Nasiri,Ali Mohamadi Sani,Vahid Hakimzadeh,Mostafa Shahidi.

Cited by 4 Articles

The incorporation of natural antioxidants into films and edible coatings can modify their structure, improving their functionality and applicability in foods. The aim of this study was to determine the antimicrobial effect of nano-composite based on bean pod shell gum (4%w/v), TiO2 nano-particles (1-2%w/v) and Mentha pulegium essential oil (EO) (2-4%v/v) on five food-borne pathogens in two categories including two gram positives and three gram negatives bacteria. The antimicrobial activity was tested using disk diffusion test. Results showed that gram positive bacteria were more susceptible than gram negative bacteria. Increasing Mentha pulegium EO and TiO2 nano-particles content increased antimicrobial activity of the edible film based on bean pod shell gum, so that the treatment containing 4% v/v Mentha pulegium EO and 2%w/v TiO2 nano-particles led to the highest inhibition zone (11.8-15.2 mm) compared to treatment containing 2% v/v Mentha pulegium EO and 1%w/v TiO2 nano-particles with inhibition zone range of 9.8-11.5 mm. In general TiO2 nano-particles and Mentha pulegium EO improved the functional properties including antimicrobial activity of the edible film based on bean pod shell gum which increases potential to be used as active packaging for fresh produce.

Key words: Bean pod shell gum, Nano-Composite, Edible film, Mentha pulegium, Essential Oil

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