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Original Research

Med Arch. 2013; 67(3): 205-208

Ultrasonographic Signs of Partial Hydatidiform Mole

Lejla Muminhodzic, Gordana Bogdanovic.


This study aimed at investigating ultrasonographic features of partial hydatidiform mole to establish a proper diagnosis. Patients and methods: This was a retrospective study of 70 pregnancies which were divided into two groups: group I–35 pregnant women with a molar pregnancy diagnosed in the first trimester; group II–35 pregnant women with physiological pregnancy spontaneously aborted in the first trimester caused by the cervical insufficiency. Evacuation of the uterus by uterine suction or curettage and pathomorphological analysis of ovular tissue were conducted in both groups. Ultrasonographic parameters were analyzed. Results and discussion: Theca lutein cysts and hydropic degeneration of villi, enlarged uterus and empty gestational sac, intrauterine hematoma significantly prevailed in the pregnant women with the molar pregnancies. Diagnosis of the partial hydatidiform mole in the first trimester is likely though not enough reliable. Thereby, additional diagnostic methods might be important as well to confirm an early diagnosis of mole.

Key words: hydatidiform mole, ultrasonography.

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