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RMJ. 2019; 44(4): 861-863

Daflon versus band ligation in patients with second degree hemorrhoids



Objective: To compare the efficacy of Cap. Daflon versus band ligation in 2nd degree hemorrhoid patients.
Methodology: At department of surgery JPMC, Karachi, a randomized controlled trial was conducted, from Jan 12, to July 12, 2017. All patients with 2nd degree hemorrhoids were included in the study. They were divided into two groups; A (Daflon) & B (Band Ligation Treatment). Outcome was checked by comparing both the groups for efficacy of the treatment (no bleeding).
Results: Out of total of 104 patients, each group included 52 patients, 57(45.2%) were female and 39(54.8%) were male, with the mean age of 34.15+6.40 years. On follow up after 4 weeks, efficacy was positive (no bleeding) in 32(30.75%) in group A and in 35 patients (33.65%) in group B.
Conclusion: Efficacy of band ligation was slightly more as compared to Daflon, but as Daflon gave rapid relief from symptoms. In patients with Grade II hemorrhoids Daflon may, therefore, be advised. Operative treatment should be considered, if this fails.

Key words: Hemorrhoids, band ligation, daflon.

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