As the nation is observing lockdown since March 25, 2020, due to the outbreak of novel Coronavirus that has infected over 2.7 lakh Indians and over 70 lakh people across the globe. There are more than 30 lakh students studying in secondary and senior secondary classes got affected by the coronavirus as their exams were already declared and then later postponed? In year 2020-21 the online education system has been adopted to teach the students to prepare for the board examination. The course was reduced and the examination are supposed to be scheduled in the month of MayJune’2021.
The students of two sessions 2020 and 2021 were affected by the pandemic as their exam and learning system has been changed. The online education was proved a good tool for delivering the education but due to poor connectivity and incapability of buying electronic gadgets like mobile, computer for taking online education, a large segment of Indian student was suffered who belong to poor family or residing in rural area. Though the HRD ministry has taken measures and issued guidelines to the board and schools for conducting examination and using online education system for teaching. The students stayed at home with their parents during pandemic time and the parents played a very crucial role in motivating the students. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to find out the examination stress among senior secondary school students of Jaipur district.
Key words: Examination Stress, Education System, Coronavirus, Pandemic.