The synthesis of the steroidal imidazole and nickel molybdate based composite membrane is described. The fabricated composite material was characterized by using FT-IR, XRD, PSA and SEM and has been investigated for its functional, diffusive, structural, electrical and optical properties. The SEM showed that membrane has random non-preferential orientation with no visible cracks and appeared to be composed of dense and loose aggregation of small particles. No impurity peak was observed in the XRD pattern showing the single phase composite formation. The IR spectra showed the characteristic absorption peaks of different functional groups present in the composite. It was observed that real impedance decreased with the increase in frequency while AC conductivity gradually increased with the increase in frequency of applied AC due to hopping phenomenon. It was also confirmed that with the increase in frequency, the dielectric constant decreased and became almost constant at high frequencies for both compositions. The UV-vis spectrum of the synthesized compositeindicate band gap energy of about 3.1 eV showing a weak blue shift compared to 4.6 eV for the bulk. Due to their optical and electrical properties, nano phase composite is promising candidate for use as selectivity of different cations
Key words: Steroidal imidazole, Band gap, Conductivity, Impedance, SEM