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A study of socio-demographic profile of substance abusers other than tobacco abuse attending a de-addiction centre in Ahmedabad City

Arpit Prajapati, Jatin Thakkar, Sonal Parikh, DV Bala.

Cited by 8 Articles

Background: In India, the traditional drugs like opium, charas, bhang and ganja were used by sections of the society partly as leisure time activity and partly as part of the religious ceremony. Therefore, their consumptions did not invite much negative sanction from the society. The addictive potential of a drug varies from substance to substance, and from individual to individual. Dose, frequency, pharmacokinetics of a particular substance, route of administration, and time are critical factors for developing a drug addiction.

Aims & Objective: (1) To identify the socio-demographic characteristics of the substance abusers; (2) To identify the substances commonly used other than tobacco; (3) To identify the effects of positive family history on starting the substance.

Material and Methods: Interview based Cross-Sectional study was conducted among Substance abusers who were attending De-addiction centres “Naya Jivan Vyasan Mukti Kendra, Ahmedabad”

Results: Substance abuse was commonly seen in the age group of 25-45 years (66.3%) and also in class IV and V (69.0%). Only males were found to get treatment in de-addiction centre for various addiction and 80.6% of them were married. 58.3% Substance abusers (58.3%) were living in nuclear families. Substance abuse was higher (75.8%) in less educated people (secondary or below). Age of initiation of substance was below 30 years of age (86.1%). Mean age for starting substance was 23.96 + 6.96 years. Commonly abused substances for which patients were coming to de-addiction centre were Alcohol (62.1%), Cannabis (13.6%), Brown sugar (13.6%), Alprazolam (2.9%), Cough syrup (1.9%), White Ink (2.9%). Friends were mostly responsible for initiating the substance abuse (81.6%). Headache (12.6%), vertigo (11.7%) and insomnia (11.7%) were most common presenting symptoms seen in substance abusers.

Conclusion: The mean age of initiation of substance abuse was early twenties. Alcohol addiction was significantly associated with the positive family history of alcohol intake (p value

Key words: Age; Substance Abuse; De-Addiction Centre

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