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Review Article

NMJ. 2021; 10(1): 28-33

Excess level of Vitamin B12 may be tied to an increased risk of early death

Kavindra Borgaonkar,RANJIT PATIL.


IMPORTANCE High levels of vitamin B12 might be too good for you. Yet study suggests that very high levels of vitamin B12 in the blood can be life-threatening and increase early death risk.
OBJECTIVE An increased risk of early death was correlated with the study of the excess level of vitamin B12.
The researchers found that death rates in those in the highest one-quarter for B12 levels were nearly twice as high as in those at the lowest. The explanations for that are not clear. Excessive B12 levels, "can alter the gut microbiota in ways that could be harmful — nobody really knows."

Key words: Vitamin B12, Risk factor, Excess B12, Therapeutic uses

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