Prameha is now becoming an epidemic in the population. By screening of pramehaghna dravyas from Bruhatrayi, Yogratnakar and Chakradatta can give effective solutions for Prameha The literary screening inferred that there are about 60 dravya are recommended on different types of prameha, but their specific action is not defined on the basis of their Rasapanchak .A literary review of the rasa panchaka is done to made an attempt to assess their probable mode of action.
The dushta panchak of prameha showing mainly tridosha dushti, meda and kleda dushti,so the line of the treatment should be ushna ,tikshna, Kleda shoshak and kapha -medohara.
The present paper is intended to enlist the pramehaghna dravyas mentioned in Bruhatrayi, Yogratnakara and Chakradatta with their Rasa, Veerya, Vipaka, Guna and karmas to critically analyzed on the basis of chikitsa stutra mentioned in the classical texts, and also to assess the specific type pramehaghna property.
Key Words: pramehagna, Chikitsa, Bruhatrayi
Key words: Key Words: pramehagna, Chikitsa, Bruhatrayi