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TAF Prev Med Bull. 2008; 7(3): 213-216

The Prevalence and Causes of Enuresis Nocturna in a Regional Dormitory School

Muhsin,Akbaba, Selen,Uludağ,Kis, Zeynel,Sütoluk, Cem,Kis, Hakan,Demirhindi, Olga,Eker,Özdener.


BACKGROUND: Enuresis nocturna is a recurrent inability to retain urination, mostly observed during sleep in children 5 years old and older, unexplainable by any physical deficiency. The risk is increased especially among children exposed to physicosocially inadequate conditions.
METHODS: This study aimed to determine the prevalence and causes of enuresis nocturna in regional dormitory school in Karataş district of Adana province. The cross-sectional study covered regional dormitory school students in Karataş district of Adana province in May 2007. The students were children of families with low socio-economic status engaged in seasonal farm working in the region. The presence of enuresis nocturna was defined as dependent variable, while age, gender, sleep depth, urinary infection, selection status of dormitory school, family structure and visiting frequency of families as independent variables. The statistical analyses were performed by SPSS 10.0 statistical package programme. Continuous variables like age were analysed by Student’s t-test, while categorical variables by chi-square test and logistic regression analysis.
RESULTS: Among 201 students, 135 (67.2%) and 66 (32.8%) were males and females, respectively with a mean age of 12.2±2.1 (min 7 and max 17). The prevalence of enuresis nocturna was found as 15.4%. The frequency was found to be more frequent among students with deeper sleep, in presence of urinary infection, among those who preferred dormitory school with family guidance, in case of unwillingness to frequent the school, in presence of urinary tract infaction and deep sleep.
CONCLUSION: Enuresis nocturna was found to be related to age, sleeping status, urinary tract infection and unwillingness to go to schools.

Key words: Enureresis nocturna, prevalence, dormitory school

Article Language: Turkish English

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