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Biochemical response of rabbits following experimental trypanosoma brucei brucei infection, treatment and re-infection

AJ Oyewusi & AB Saba.


The biochemical response of rabbits experimentally infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei was studied following infection, treatment and re-infection. Twenty five cross bred New zealand and Chinchila White rabbits were divided into 5 groups (A, B, C, D & E) of 5 rabbits each. All the rabbits were infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei (5x106 organism/ml). All the infected rabbits developed parasitemia between days 4 and 5 pi. The control group (group A) was allowed to run a chronic trypanosoma infection while groups B and D were treated with diminazene aceturate and C and E with isometamidium chloride, 7 days post infection (pi). Groups B and C were re-infected 14 days post treatment (pt) while groups D and E were re-infected 28 days pt. Elevation of serum ALP (Alkaline phosphatase), total protein and urea and decrease in albumin concentration was observed. Serum creatinine concentration declined slightly. Chemotherapy was confirmed effective by the clearance of the parasite in the blood of the treated animals either with diminazene aceturate or isometamidium chloride. Parasitemia was detected six days post re-infection (pri) when the treated animals were re-infected either at 2 weeks or 4 weeks pt. All the untreated rabbits died between days 28 and 49 of the infection while those re-infected after treatment and cure died between days 42 and 56 (post re-infection) pri. Though the two trypanocides used in this work were therapeutically effective, treatment need to be repeated not later than four weeks after the last treatment for effective control of trypanosomosis.

Key words: Biochemical responses, Diminazene aceturate, Isometamidium chloride, Rabbits, Trypanosomosis.

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