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RMJ. 2013; 38(4): 361-365

Gallstones and dietary risk factors: an epidemiologic investigation in southern Sindh, Pakistan

Naseem Aslam Channa, Fatehuddin Khand.


Objective: Present study was designed to investigate the epidemiologic risk factors and role of diet as a risk factor for gallstone formation.
Methods: 654 gallstone patients and 675 controls (age, sex and locality matched eye patients, age range of 22.5 to 65.0 years) were randomly selected from different hospitals of Hyderabad and interviewed through a standard questionnaire developed for that purpose during January 2010 to December 2012. Eye patients were selected as control group, but those having diabetes, hypertension, or obesity with positive personal or family history of gallstones were excluded from the control group.
Results: Early marriages, sun exposure, use of oral contraceptives, having psychological or emotional problems and illiteracy were positively associated with gallstones. A significant inverse (p

Key words: Gallstones, Gallstone disease, Dietary risk factors, epidemiologic risk factors

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