A total of 100 random samples of chicken meat, chicken nuggets, chicken paneehh and chicken luncheon (25 of each) were collected from different supermarkets in Alexandria province. The collected samples were subjected to bacteriological examination for detection of enteropathogens. The obtained results as following; Salmonella isolated from chicken meat, chicken nuggets, chicken paneehh and chicken luncheon as 56, 8, 12 and 8 %, respectively. E.coli was isolated by 68, 12, 12 and 8 % in chicken meat, chicken nuggets, chicken paneehh and chicken luncheon, respectively. While, Campylobacter jejuni was detected in 76, 16 in chicken meat and chicken paneeh, respectively and it could not be isolateed from chicken nuggets and
chicken luncheon. Also, Bacillus cereus could be isolated as 60, 8 and 90 % from chicken (meat, nuggets and luncheon), respectively but could not be isolated from chicken paneehh. Aeromonashydrophila isolated at percentages of 28 and 4 % in chicken meat and chicken paneehh and cannot isolate from chicken nuggets and luncheon.
Key words: Enteropathogens, Poultry Meat,Alexandria Province