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Case Report

AAM. 2022; 11(3): 273-286

Effectiveness of Ayurveda in Organophosphorus poisoning w.s.r. to Organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy – A case Report.

Vishwanath Wasedar, Shivani Samber, Bhagyesh R Pangam.


Organophosphate (OP) compound poisoning is a major problem in a developing country like India mostly in rural areas. Organophosphorus pesticide inhibits acetylcholinesterase at nerve synapses. In the current case, 36-years patient was diagnosed with Organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy (OPIDP) had a history of suicide attempts complaining of severe weakness, pain, and tingling sensation in Bilateral upper and lower limb after 15 days. Organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy (OPIDP) develops after several weeks from exposure it is characterized by distal weakness and sensory loss which can be progressive. In Ayurveda the case was diagnosed and treated on the bases of Vishajanaya Vatavyadhi (Diseased induced by Poisoning) under the Umbrella of Urustambha. It was categorized in different stages of the disease and was treated accordingly with the help of different ayurvedic medications and Procedures for 9 follow-ups for 2 years.

Key words: Organophosphate (OP) compound poisoning, Organophosphate induced delayed polyneuropathy, Vishajanaya Vatavyadhi,Urustambha

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