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Utility of nerve conduction study in early diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)

Suchitra Balasaheb Parkhad, Sachin Bhaskar Palve.

Cited by 5 Articles

Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the commonest median nerve entrapment neuropathy with preponderance in females.

Aims & Objective: The present study was carried out for early conformation of clinically diagnosed patients of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) by electrodiagnostic tests which include motor conduction, sensory conduction, and F-wave studies.

Materials and Methods: Early confirmation of clinically suspected patients of CTS by performing electrodiagnostic tests of median and ulnar nerves. 100 subjects of age group 30-50 years (50 clinically suspected patients of CTS, 50 as control group) were studied. Motor and Sensory conduction velocities, distal motor and sensory latencies and F wave latencies were performed using Medtronic Keypoint@ 2 EMG EP software.

Results: Statistically significant (P

Key words: Carpal Tunnel, Distal latencies, Electrophysiological diagnosis, Nerve entrapments.

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