Case Report |
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Rhabdoid Meningioma in a Eight Year Old Child
Arsim Morina, Fatos Kelmendi, Oamile Morina, Leo Pazanin, Shefki Dragusha, Feti Ahmeti, Dugakjin Morina. Abstract | | | | Introduction: We report a case of Rhabdoid meningioma in a eight year old child which is the fifth case in the world according to our knowledge. Material and method: A 8 year old girl was seen in our University Clinic of Neurosurgery with one month history of increasing headaches, vomiting and increasing frequency of grand mal seizures (known history of epilepsy). Her past medical history was not significant, except the epilepsy . After opening the dura mater, an extra axial tumor was found. The neoplasm invaded the brain and was highly vascular. The lesion was totally excised and 2cm of adjacent dura mater was excised Simpson O. Results :The postoperative course was without significant events. The patient was discharged home on the seventh postoperative day. Seizures were controlled with anticonvulsant therapy. Postoperative control head CT scan demonstrated total removal of the lesion. HP analysis: Paraffin-embedded tissue sections stained with H&E revealed meningothelial tumor with rhabdoid morphology characterized by sheets of tumor cells with eccentric nuclei, variably abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and intracytoplasmic hyaline paranuclear inclusions. The number of mitoses was up to four in ten high-power fields, and the Ki-67 proliferation index was 4,4%. The histopathological diagnosis was rhabdoid meningioma (grade III). Discussion: Radical surgery (Simpson grade 1) has been shown to significantly enhance prognosis in atypical and malignant meningiomas. Conclusion: Rhabdoid meningioma is an anaplastic , very rare subtype of malignant meningioma. The prognosis for rhabdoid meningioma depends on their proliferative activity and the possibility of radical removal.
Key words: childhood brain tumor, extrarenal rhabdoid tumor, malignant meningioma, rhabdoid meningioma