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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(1): 967-980

The Function Of Universities In Preventing Radicalism Of Thinking In Indonesia, Malaysia And Thailand

Syahrin Harahap, Anshari Yamamah, Sholahuddin Harahap.


The purpose of this research is to determine the role of universities in preventing radical thinking in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. The qualitative research method was used in this study, and the approach was socio-philosophical. Surveys, interviews, and document studies were used to collect data. According to the findings of this study, every university has the opportunity to introduce radical ideas. Every university should take precautionary measures to combat radical thinking. Islamic Higher Education serves an important function and plays an important role in preventing radicalization of critical thought. [1] Regulatory functions, namely the establishment of deradicalization institutions on campus, curriculum adaptation reformulation, and syllabus reorientation. [2] Academic and cultural reorientation functions, namely reorientation of intra and extracurricular student organization activities, as well as moderation of clothing and campus atmosphere. [3]. Enlightenment's function is to educate people outside of campus about radicalism and efforts to prevent it.

Key words: Function, Islamic Universities, Prevention, Radicalism

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