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Med Arch. 2010; 64(2): 98-100

Analysis of Chemiotherapeutic Protocols Efficiency in Therapy of Advanced Non Small Cell Lung Cancer

Alma Mekic-Abazovic, Miralem Music, Almir Fajkic, Enver Zerem.


Aim: To confirm the efficiency and toxicity of two chemiotherapeutic protocols - Cisplatin Gemcitabin (CDDP, Gemcitabin) and Cisplatin, Vinorelbin (CDDP, Vinorelbin) in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NS CLC). Patients and methods: Retrospectively were analyzed and treated a total of 60 patients (two groups with 30 patients) for advanced or metastatic NSCLC during the period from January 2005 to January 2007. The patients were treated with chemiotherapeutic protocols CDDP, Vinorelbin and CDDP, Gemcitabin for four weeks. The chemiotherapy was administered intravenously. Results: Although registered response rates were a bit lower than in previously published trials, they were not significantly different in two arms (26% vs. 15%) (p=0,485). Statistically different were therapeutic responses in SD (CDDP, Vinorelbin 44% vs. CDDP, Gemcitabin 93,3%) (p < 0,001) and OS (CDDP, Vinorelbin 10,83 % vs. CDDP, Gemcitabin 21.00%) (p< 0.05). Cisplatin, Vinorelbin regimen has shown a higher hematologic (9% vs. 7%), and total toxicities (p=0.0029). Conclusion: In this investigation of two groups of patients, Cisplatin, Gemcitabin regimen has shown better efficiency and toxicity profile. Preferred regimen could be Cisplatin, Gemcitabin.

Key words: chemiotherapy, C isplatin, Gemcitabin, Vinorelbin, small cell lung cancer

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