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Med Arch. 2010; 64(2): 94-97

Gender Differences in Acute Coronary Syndrome in Serbia before Organized Primary PCI Network Service

Mirjana Krotin, Zorana Vasiljevic, Marija Zdravkovic, Branislav Milovanovic.


Introduction. Numerous studies were focused on coronary artery disease, most of them in the male population and it seems that data on gender differences in CAD were extrapolated from these studies. Goal. The multi-center prospective study was designed to analyze gender differences in features, clinical presentation, and early in-hospital mortality in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) admitted to coronary units in 50 hospitals in Serbia, during a 12 month-period. Methods. The data were collected from the central register of ACS, analyzed with respect to gender differences. The study protocol included all consecutive patients with diagnosis of ACS. In the study 12,094 patients were analyzed, 7,639 men and 4,455 women. Women were significantly older than men in all ACS manifestations (p

Key words: A cute C oronary S yndrome, Primary PCI Network S ervice in S erbia

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