Purpose: The main goal of this study was to investigate the impact of parity and intrauterine fetal condition on vacuum extraction. Material and methods: This study included 10742 newborns who were delivered during 2008 in obstetrics/gynecology clinics in Kosovo, Yugoslavia. One hundred fifty-eight of these were vacuum deliveries. Data were collected for indicators such as parity, maternal age, gestation duration, newborn vitality, and birth weight. Results: Vacuum extraction was used in 158 cases (1.47 %), of whom 116 (73%) were nulliparous and 42 (27%) were multiparous. In 121 cases (76.5%), vacuum extraction was performed in women with no history of abortion, and 101 (64%) of the women were aged 2130 years. The main reason for vacuum extraction in 115 women (72%) was arrest (stasis) in the second stage of labor. Vacuum extraction was carried out at a gestational age of 3440 weeks in 94 cases (59.5%). Amniotic fluid was clear in 125 cases (80%), and meconial amniotic fluid was seen in three cases (1.8%). Birth weight was >3.5 kg in 77 infants (48.5%) and 3.5 kg, the most frequent AS was 47, and newborn resuscitation was needed in most cases.
Key words: Vacuum extraction, parity, newborn, traction, intracranial hemorrhage