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Occurrence of dental alveolus traumas at the university hospital center

Mustapha Sidqui, Kenza Khamlich.

Cited by 0 Articles

In severe trauma, we must first address vital respiratory and circulatory emergencies. In case of polytrauma and other emergencies should also be sought and treated. The management of maxillofacial trauma requires a methodical clinical examination and a thorough radiologic provided mostly by CT.
The repair of soft tissue is delicate and requires a fine material and adapted. The treatment of bone fractures varies depending on their location and importance.
Dental injuries have multiple forms, this one among the total dislocation requiring rapid relocation.
The objectives of my work will be mainly:
-The description of common and specific protocols that govern the trauma and dentoalveolar bone.
-The study of the prevalence of injuries occurring in adults
-The study of the distribution of injuries by using different variables (circumstances of onset, treatment, type of trauma), according to two factors, age and sex.

Key words: Trauma dental, Alveolar, Basal bone, Epidemiological investigation

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