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Review Article

Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm and their molecular escape strategies

M. G. Avinash, S. Aishwarya, Farhan Zameer, Shubha Gopal.

Cited by 0 Articles

Microbes, the tiny creatures with huge complexity have been the topic of interest in microbiology which has to be explored with a double-edged sword approach. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most problematic, opportunistic human bacterial pathogen that has to be addressed with high priority. Understanding their microenvironments at a molecular level becomes important for deciphering the puzzle of their adoptable and virulent behavior in the host cell. The current review attempts in highlighting the secretion systems, especially the Type III secretion system (T3SS) in P. aeruginosa as a potential target to block virulence. This is mainly facilitated through the potent phytochemicals or their formulations (Phyto-quoromones) for a synergistic mode of action on T3SS. These Phyto-inhibitors will hamper cell signaling through T3SS thus affecting the growth, survival, and replication of the pathogen. The prospects mentioned in the review will provide a newer dimension for the design and development of better and smart therapeutics against Pseudomonas infections.

Key words: Biofilms, Pathogenomics, Phytoantiquoromones, Pseudomonas, Secretion systems.

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