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Assessment of physical activity and physical fitness among undergraduate medical students

Sai Vaishnav Polina, Jayamala A K, Karthika U Priyadharshini, Subhashri S, Pavitra B, Saraswathi M.


Background: In a nationwide survey conducted in the Indian Council of Medical Research- INdia DIABetes study (Phase-1) 2014 on physical activity and inactivity patterns, overall, 392 million individuals in India are physically inactive. Physically active medical students tend to recommend physical activity for patients or at-risk individuals in their future practice. Exercise is a subset of physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive which helps in achieving physical fitness.

Aim and Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of physical activity (PA) and physical fitness among medical students and to correlate both.

Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, in which physical activity level was assessed using Global Physical Activity Questionnaire. Physical fitness using Harvard step test, hand grip dynamometer, sit-up and push-up test, shoulder – flexibility test, body mass index, and body adiposity index was assessed among 150 medical students in a tertiary care hospital.

Results: Physical activity level when analyzed, 16% of students performed low PA, 74% belonged to moderate PA Group, and 10% in high PA group. When mean metabolic equivalent of task min/week attained by study population in three domains of physical activity (work/travel/recreation) was analyzed, results showed no significant difference between males and females in different domains of physical activity.

Conclusion: Although the students met the recommended physical activity as per the World Health Organization, physical fitness was not achieved up to the desired level. No correlation was noted between physical activity and physical fitness among medical students.

Key words: Exercise Test; Muscle Strength; Physical Activity; Physical Fitness

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