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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(2): 2013-2018

Urbanization: A Double – Edged Sharpener For Women Emancipation And Employment

Dr. Bulbuli Boruah.


Urbanization is considered as an index of modernization and industrialization but in the scenario of Assam in particular, it is the result of uncontrolled growth of population and declining opportunities in rural areas. The traditional society of Assam and the entire north eastern part of India has already come under the process of urbanization to welcome and accept the changes bringing along with it the process itself. The process of urbanization, which began with the Industrial Revolution, has now days become a predominant feature of developmental activities all over the world. The paper will study about Urbanization: A Double - Edged Sharpener for Women Emancipation and Employment.

Key words: Urbanization, Double–Edged, Sharpener, Women, Emancipation, Employment

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