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Phytoestrogens Impact on Menopausal Symptomatology

Semso Rosic, Sulejman Kendic, Muhamed Rosic.


Introduction: The balance of endocrine and autocrine activity usually starts to fade after age of 45 years in women. This is particularly true for the imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. This imbalance creates a number of clinical syndromes and disorders. Goal: The goal of the study is to determine the effects of phytoestrogens on the psychological, somatic-vegetative and urogenital symptoms of menopause. Material and methods: The study included 275 respondents who are more than three in menopause. Respondents were taking commercially available phytoestrogens, in duration of 12 months. Results and Discussion: Review of clinical and epidemiological studies showing different results regarding effects of phytoestrogens on menopausal symptoms. In our study there was a significant reduction of somatic-vegetative and psychological symptoms under the influence of phytoestrogens, while urogenital symptomatology was not significantly changed. We recommend the use of phytoestrogens in early postmenopausal women with moderate symptoms.

Key words: menopausal symptoms, phytoestrogens.

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