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Comparison of blunder lecture with tutorial for small-group discussion among Phase I M.B.B.S. students in a medical college in North India

Archana Chauhan, Neeraj Mahajan, Donald S Christian, Suchet Trigotra.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: Small-group discussion (SGD) plays an essential role in physiology to foster active learning by the students. Blunder lecture has been used to stimulate inquiry, reflection, and promote collaborative learning by cognitive conflict strategy.

Aims and Objectives: The objectives of the study were as follows: (i) To compare the effectiveness of blunder lecture with tutorial for SGD and (ii) to assess the perception of students toward blunder lecture and tutorial.

Material and Methods: An educational interventional study was conducted in the department of physiology among 116 Phase I MBBS students using tutorial and blunder lecture for SGD on two core topics of physiology which were already covered in didactic lectures. Blunder lecture included deliberate mistakes spread over the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. Blunders were identified and discussed during the group activity. The evaluation was done by validated pre-post tests and questionnaires.

Results: There was a statistically significant gain in the mean score of the students who attended blunder lecture session in comparison to tutorial. Out of 116 students who participated in the study, 89% perceived blunder lecture as a challenging way to recollect prior knowledge.

Conclusion: Blunder lecture is an effective reinforcement tool that can be used in SGD to facilitate the learning of the undergraduates.

Key words: Blunder Lecture; Cognitive Conflict; Tutorial; Small-Group Discussion

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