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Med Arch. 2010; 64(4): 215-218

Induction of Chromosome Aberrations in the Allium Cepa Test System Caused by the Exposure of Cells to Benzo(a)pyrene

Mirsad Cabaravdic.


Higher plants have been proposed as test organisms for the detection of genotoxic substances in the environment. Several plant test systems are already in use and are found to be as sensitive and reliable as other short-term tests. Allium cepa is one of these plants, which has been used in different studies to detect chromosome aberrations induced by chemicals. The use of non-animal test methods, including in vitro studies, provides importent tools to enhance our understanding of hazardous effect of chemicals, and for predicting these effects in humans. In vitro systems are used principally for screening purposes, and for generating toxicological profiles. Numerous chemicals can generate the breakage or interchange of DNA segments between chromosomal structures. Allium test is used as a screening method for genotoxicity evaluation of different chemical substances, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), as representative member of PAHs, were investigated of genotoxicity by using Allium roote chromosomes assay. The treatment with different series of concentrations of BaP, ranging from 1.0-50.0 μg/ml respectively. Used BaP caused decreased in the Mitotic index (MI) and increase frequency of abnormal mitosis when compared with the control.

Key words: Benzo(a) pyrene, Allium cepa test, Chromosome aberration, Genotoxicity.

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