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A study on quantitative effect of supplementary nutrition provided in anganwadis in predicting physical growth of pre-schoolers

Mohamedanas Mohamedfaruk Patni, Abhay Bhaskar Kavishvar, Mohmmedirfan Hanifbhai Momin.

Cited by 2 Articles

Background: Malnutrition is serious problem in India. ICDS provides supplementary nutrition through anganwadis to
its beneficiaries.

Aims & Objective: (1) To study quantitative effect of supplementary nutrition on physical growth of children
beneficiaries of ICDS. (2) To understand determinants of physical growth among children registered with ICDS

Material and Methods: It was a prospective cohort study done during September 2010 to August 2011. All children of
three to five years of 6 randomly selected anganwadis of Jhagadia block of Bharuch district were selected for study. The
pretested and predesigned questionnaire was used for collection of data from the mother of the children at their home.
Anthropometric measurements were done at anganwadi. Data for availing of supplementary nutrition by child and was
obtained from anganwadis. Follow up anthropometric measurements were done another two times over the period of
one year.

Results: Out of 104 children, 70 (67.3%) received adequate and 34 (32.7%) did not receive adequate supplementary
nutrition. Both weight and height gain were more in the children who received adequate supplementary nutrition as
compared to the children who did not receive adequate supplementary nutrition. Multivariate analysis indicated that,
out of so many factors, supplementary nutrition and caste were the one which had significant effect on weight gain of

Conclusion: Supplementary nutrition provided at anganwadi has significant impact on physical growth of its

Key words: ICDS, Malnutrition, Prospective Cohort study, Multivariate analysis, Supplementary nutrition

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