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Review Article

Tooth preparation in oral sub-mucous fibrosis: Clinical tips

Aamir Zahid Godil, Kashif Yusuf Gandhi, Mohammed Aatif Khan, Arshi Ilyas Kazi.

Cited by 0 Articles

The prevalence of oral submucous fibrosis, especially in the Asian sub-continent is of prime clinical concern amongst dental professionals. There are numerous challenges that arise in oral rehabilitation of a patient suffering from this condition, especially restoration of posterior teeth. Various studies in the existing literature focus on the pathology of this pre-cancerous condition and its medical and surgical management. However, there is very minimal literature that elaborates on the management and clinical tips for prosthodontic rehabilitation of such patients. A literature search was carried out in PubMed and Google scholar for articles published between 2001 and 2019, with various keywords such as “oral submucous fibrosis”, “OSMF”, “microstomia” and “limited mouth opening”. The reviews, researches and case reports included were in accordance with PRISMA guidelines. These articles were used to draw down some basic guidelines and clinical tips that can aid in prosthodontic management of a case requiring fixed dental prostheses in a patient with oral submucous fibrosis.

Key words: Oral submucous fibrosis, OSMF, limited mouth opening, tooth preparation, fixed dental prosthesis

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