Objective: To determine the early outcome of Laparoscopic total extra peritoneal repair for inguinal hernia.
Design: Descriptive study
Setting and duration: 2 years study from March 2010 to February 2012, at Department of Surgery Chandka Medical College, Teaching Hospital Larkana.
Patients and Methods: A total of 164 patients with unilateral, incomplete, reducible inguinal hernia underwent laparoscopic total extraperitoneal repair. Patients were followed up postoperatively for early outcome of laparoscopic repair. Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS version 17.00. ( parameters in the result are different).
Results: All patients were male. Mean age was 42 years. Mean operative time was 50 minutes +/-SD 21 (range 25-90 minutes). Postoperatively at 1st 24 hours the pain was mild in 110(67%), moderate in 38(23.2%) and severe in 16(9.8%) patients; while pain at 48 hours postoperatively found mild in 140(85.4%), moderate in 22(13.4%) and severe in 2(1.2%).Early postoperative complications noticed were acute urinary retention in 8 patients(4.9%), scrotal seroma in 6(3.7%), scrotal hematoma in 4(2.4%) and wound infection in 7(4.3%) patients.
Conclusion: Laparoscopic Totally extraperitoneal repair is a new and safe technique for inguinal hernia repair with acceptable rates of morbidity.
Key words: Laparoscopic, total extraperitoneal repair, inguinal hernia, outcome.