In modern psychosocial interpretations of relations between society and the media it is possible to examine the actual social need for better preservation, maintenance and improvement of mental health and the role of electronic and print media in the designing and implementation of appropriate forms of mental health education. Knowledge of character and direction of influence of the media in the processes of protection and improvement of mental health consumers of media includes: (a) general knowledge, interactive and multidimensional relations between society and the media, (b) the structure and functioning of modern print and electronic media, (c) conditions and factors that contribute to the protection and improvement of mental health, (d) models to identify risk factors and ways of reducing or eliminating the impact on mental health, risk factors, and (e) the structure of the personality of the sender and recipient, message, technological and psychological adequacy of communication channels and reliable perception for effects of programmed mode in communication media (which are, and how viewers, listeners and readers perceive them, emotionally accept, in his personal behavior and realized). Need for more expressed permanent education of spectators, listeners and readers about the models and methods of preservation, maintenance and improvement of mental health is important for society and the media. Well-conceived and creatively executed programs will significantly affect the increase in awareness of the necessity for achieving more suitable social preconditions for active institutional action outside of the institution for prevention of mental health and not just on a general level, but also at the level of local communities. It is expected that the media of mass communication will increase the number of potential viewers, listeners and readers which will probably be more attached to television, radio or newspapers on the information that contribute to the preservation, maintenance and improvement of their mental health. Realistic expectations of desirable performance of the media implies a permanent cooperation between medical institutions and associations, educational institutions, and particularly prominent experts (doctors, psychologists, communication experts, pedagogues and other experts) on one side and the electronic and print media, especially designers and implementers of appropriate mental health content, on the other side.
Key words: psychosocial precondition, impact of media, efficient protection, mental health.