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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 226-233

Management Risk Factors In Educational Institutions And Their Impact On Peruvian Student Desertion

Angel Salvatierra Melgar, Rafael Garay-Argandoña, Estrella Azucena Esquiagola Aranda, Ronald M. Hernández.


The study is based on the identification and description of the problems detected in the actions of the management in public institutions from the experiences of the Regional Directors, of the Ugels and Directors of the Public Institutions of Regular Basic Education at national level; these problems when not being approached opportunely generate uncertainty in the educational community generating confusion in the educational personnel, distrust of the father of family and discouragement to the student implying student desertion. The study, is framed within the quantitative approach, of exploratory descriptive type, under the technique of the documentary analysis of historical data released in the portal of the Ministry of Education (Minedu). The results show that student desertion is reflected in the lack of teacher's intervention in the classroom, the lack of familiarity among their classmates and teachers, as well as the inadequate environment regarding the infrastructure of hygienic services, the lack of security in the passages and at the classrooms' doors, and insufficient tutoring service due to the lack of specialized professionals.

Key words: Risk factors. Institutional achievements. Student desertion.

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