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The School Bullying in Sivas-Questionnaire Study

Celal Bütün, Fatma Yücel Beyaztaş, Halis Dokgöz, Levent Özdemir, Ali Beyaztaş, Oğuz Polat, Figen Şahin.


Violence among bullying, although not a new concept has increased steadily in the last period. This study, 9 and 10 in the grade of 1200 students applied to study through a survey of school violence prevention and inter-flow prevention was intended to put forward proposals for the solution in the center of Sivas. In determining the number of students included in the study stratified sampling method used and the selection of students was done with simple random sampling method. Questionnaire; sociodemographic characteristics and violence against the approach consists of containing the problem. Data SPSS (Ver: 10.0) were evaluated using the khi-square test. 722 of students (60.2%) men, 478 (39.8%) and girls, ages between 14-18 years and mean age 15.75 ± 0.85. Between gender differences in terms of violence and brute force is significant (p

Key words: Violence, bullying, school, adolescent

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