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Case Report

NMJ. 2013; 2(1): 49-52

Myoepithelioma-Plasmacytoid variant of minor salivary gland:Case report with emphasis on histopathological findings

Dr. Janardhan Nara, Dr. Ramanjaneyulu J., Dr. Rajeswara rao P., Dr. Murali Mohan K.V..



Myoepithelioma is a rare benign neoplasm of salivary glands. Accounts for less than 1% of all salivary
gland neoplasms. It is more common in parotid glands foIIowed by small salivary glands.
Myoepithelioma once was considered as extreme variant of pleomorphic adenoma. But now-a-days
many authors consider the myoepithelioma as distinct pathological entity as it is composed
entirely of myoepithelial cells and behaves more aggressive than pleomorphic adenoma(PA). Here we are presenting a case of myoepithelioma-plasmacytoid variant of minor salivary gland of soft palate of a male patient aged about 60 years and discussing about histopathological differential diagnosis of myoepithelioma.

Key words: Myoepithelioma,plasmacytoid variant,soft palate,minor salivary gland,myoepithelial cells,intracytoplasmic myofilaments,eosinophyllic hyaline cytoplasm,intercellular desmosomes,myogenic markers,cytokeratines,

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