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IJHRS. 2013; 2(1): 50-55

Hematological Profile in Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Parasappa Joteppa Yaranal, Toolhally Umashankar, Sadula Govindareddy Harish.


Background: Tuberculosis is a major public health problem in India. There is a paucity of literature in the hematological changes associated with tuberculosis, though tuberculosis is a common condition.

Objective: To evaluate the hematological parameters in pulmonary tuberculosis patients who are positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli in sputum.

Materials and Methods: One hundred patients of fresh pulmonary tuberculosis with sputum positive for acid fast bacilli (AFB) were included and AIDS patients, disseminated tuberculosis and patients receiving ATT drugs were excluded in this study. The various hematological parameters were studied by means of hemogram by automated cell counter and peripheral smear examination.

Results: Anemia was seen in 74% of patients. In spite of the infection, 71 patients had a normal leukocyte count. Leucocytosis as a response to infection was observed in 26 patients. Three patients had leucopenia. Thrombocytosis was observed in 24 patients while thrombocytopenia was observed in 9 patients. 99% patients had increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Two patients had pancytopenia.

Conclusion: Variety of hematological abnormalities has been demonstrated in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in the present study. While many of them are consistent with reported literature and reinforce the fact that they can be valuable tools in monitoring pulmonary tuberculosis such as anemia and increased ESR. Other findings such as thrombocytosis and pancytopenia suggest the need for further studied in this field.

Key words: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Pulmonary tuberculosis, Anemia, Leucocytosis, Thrombocytosis, Pancytopenia, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

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