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An epidemiological study on substance abuse among college students of north India (Kashmir valley)

Tufeel Ahad Baba, Abdul Majid Ganai, Syed Shuja Qadri, Mushtaq Ahmad Margoob, qazi mohammad iqbal, zahid ali khan.


Background:-Substance abuse disorder is among the leading public health problems in modern day world as they cause enormous human suffering in terms of morbidity, mortality and economic loss; and threatens the very social fabric of almost all communities around the world and as such is a great threat to the global health, economy and peace. Like most social behaviors the etiology of substance abuse is complex, varying through time, geographical regions and by demographic characteristics. Among young people, students are the most vulnerable group as the initiation into substance abuse first starts during this period. Aims and Objectives:-To find out the prevalence and pattern of substance abuse and its association with various socio-cultural and demographic variables.

Material & Methods: Multi-stage random sampling method was adopted to select the study subjects. The study subjects were asked about the substance abuse and related socio-demographic variables by means of WHO model core questionnaire format and results were subjected to statistical analysis.

Results: The overall life-time prevalence of for substance abuse among college students was found to be 31.3%. Male students had significantly higher prevalence of substance abuse as compared to female counterparts(37.5% versus 19.6% respectively).The most common substance being abused was Tobacco products(22.5%) followed by solvents (10.0%), alcohol (6.2%), sedatives (5.9%), cannabis (4.4%), amphetamine products (2.1%), hallucinogens (0.5%) and cocaine (0.3%). Age, gender and family type were found to be strongly associated with substance abuse (p

Key words: Substance Abuse; College Students; Prevalence

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