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Acta Inform Med. 2010; 18(1): 52-55

Real–time Sonoelastography: the Newest Ultrasonic Option

Fahrudin Smajlovic, Zoran Licanin, Nizama Salihefendic, Zlatko Hrgovic.


The second half of twentieth century is characterized by development of many digital methods in medical diagnostics, such as ultrasound. Each one of them (US, CT, MRI, DSA, termovision, nuclear medicine) has its advantages and limits, which resulted with their multidependencies. Continuous technical advancements improved diagnostically quality of methods mentioned above. Since 1950th many innovations resulted in diagnostical improvements of ultrasound: B-mode, Doppler and 3D modality, harmonic imagining and contrast. In last couple of years, big improvement was brought by introduction of sonoelastography, which is used for precise identification of character of pathoanatomical changes, as well as their stages.

Key words: ultrasound, elastography, Real-time Tissue Elastography- RTE, Real-time Sonoelastography- RTSE, Tissue Type Imaging- TTI, Ultrasound Strain Imaging Technology, Magnetic Resonance Elastography

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