Introduction, Meningiomas are slow growing tumors, with a huge substructure in dura mater, which constitute from neoplastic meningothelial cells. They are more often present in adults. Majority of meningiomas are benign and are classified in I grade according to the WHO grade. The aim of the study is to present the development of meningiomas respectively of meningiomas of the basis crani anterior during 2007-2009 year period, in UCCK and General Hospital “Aloka”, in Prishtina, and the effectiveness of imaging (CT and MRI) in their diagnostics. Methods, A prospective study, where patients with meningiomas were evaluated continually according to imaging protocols and cases were verified by microscopy. All patients underwent CT scan and MRI imaging with CT–“Siemens-Emotion 6” in UCCK, and CT -“Philips-Aura” in general hospital “Aloka” and MRI 1.5T “Siemens Magnetom Symphony”. Results were analyzed with a statistical program InStat 3. From statistical parameters are used, percentage, mean and standard deviation. For data testing we have used the unparametric tests; proportional t–test (Zvalue) and X2–test with significant level p< 0.05 and p
Key words: Meningiomas of basis crani anterior, CT, MRI, Prishtine, Republic of Kosova