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Aortic cross-clamp duration in cardiopulmonary bypass & oxidative stress relationship

Zinet Asuman Arslan Onuk.


The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a direct correlation between the aortic cross-clamp (ACC) duration and oxidative stress marker levels in systemic blood of patients undergoing CPB (cardiopulmonary bypass). We have evaluated the changes in oxidant-antioxidant balance and its relation to ACC time by measuring PON1, ARE, TOS and TAS. The ACC duration mean of 70 patients (43 males, 27 females) to whom CPB was made was 37 minutes. We divided the patients into two groups since their ACC duration was below and above 37 minutes. The HDL (high-density lipoprotein) and levels of TAS, TOS, PON1 and ARE; the oxidative stress markers, were analyzed by taking blood from the patients in the first hour before the pump and after the pump. The levels of oxidative stress markers, PON1, ARE, TOS and TAS were MEASURED within 1 hour before the pump and after the pump. While the serum TOS levels were 4.59±5.32 as preoperative and 4.01±4.34 as postoperative in Group I (ACC over 37 minutes), they were found 4.28±5.54 as preoperative and 2.02±2.57 as postoperative in Group II and determined as a statistically significant decrease (p

Key words: Cardiopulmonary bypass, oxidative stress, aortic cross-clamp

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