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Private pharmacists and tuberculosis control: a survey of case detection skills in Osogbo, South Western, Nigeria

Olarewaju Sunday olakunle, Tosin Awelle Idaboh, Olalekan Wasiu Adebimpe.

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Background: National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Program (NTBLCP) adopted Stop TB strategy in 2006 as a result of high TB burden which outlined engagement of all care providers including Private Pharmacists (PP) in TB control. However, there were no previous baseline studies done on knowledge and practices on TB control among private pharmacists needed to appraise their potential role and contribution to TB control which forms the basis of this study.

Methodology: A cross sectional descriptive study using pre-tested structured questionnaire was conducted in November, 2007 among 47 Private Pharmacists (PP) randomly selected in Osogbo, South West, Nigeria. Verbal consent was taken before given the questionnaire. Sampling technique was a convenient sampling. Data were analyzed using SPSS vs 16.

Result: Almost all Private pharmacists interviewed (80.9%) were seeing TB suspects and had a good knowledge on TB etiology (100%) and air borne route of transmission (70%). Majority (90%) did not know TB treatment duration and standardized drug regimen for adult (93%) and children (97.9%). Less than half (40.4%) regarded sputum microscopy as the best test to confirm diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. In addition, majority (99%) had no previous training on standard guidelines on TB control by the National Program.

Conclusion: Private pharmacists were seen TB suspects with inadequate knowledge on Nigerian Guidelines on TB control. National tuberculosis and Leprosy control program (NTBLCP) must take appropriate measure to educate and train Private Pharmacists in TB management.

Key words: Private pharmacists, Tuberculosis.

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