Background: Periodical analysis of the published articles can be very informative regarding the research agenda, the group of participants involved in research, and their priorities & interest in the type of research field.
Aims & Objective: To review trends in publication of the NJPPP focusing on manuscript country of origin, subject interest, contributions by institutions, and use of structured abstracts.
Materials and Methods: All volumes and issues of the NJPPP were retrieved (20112013). Each article was reviewed for the type of articles, geographic region of origin of the author, and the presence of a structured or unstructured abstract.
Results: There were increase in number of articles with every issue and every volume. Of the 62 articles, 45 were research articles while 7 were review articles. Most of the research articles were written on descriptive studies. All the abstracts of the research articles were written in a structured format and for rest of the articles it was written in unstructured manner. Articles were generated from 5 different countries: India, Serbia, Malaysia, Egypt, Ethiopia, China, and Algeria. Majority of articles were related to the Physiology (22), Pharmacology (14) & Pharmacotherapeutics (7) and Pharmacy (5).
Conclusion: Analysis of the published article of NJPPP revealed trends in article types over a 2 year period. Manuscripts were submitted primarily by authors from Indian colleges and the majority was from Gujarat. Majority of articles are research articles and related to the subjects as of the name of the journal.
Key words: Publication Trends; Type of Articles; National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology (NJPPP)