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Review Article

NMJ. 2012; 1(2): 4-9

Primary Hyperaldosteronism: State of the art

Pradeep PV.


Primary aldosteronism (PA) is due to excessive aldosterone production which is partially autonomous to the rennin- angiotensin mechanism. PA is the most common and potentially curable cause of hypertension. Many studies have now shown that PA is present in more than 10% of the hypertensive patients. Hypokalemia as a part of PA is seen in only 37% of the cases and the majority at presentation are normokalemic. PA is usually commonly caused by an adrenal adenoma, unilateral or bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. PA patients have higher cardiovascular morbidity and mortality than age and sex matched patients with essential hypertension with the same degree of blood pressure elevation. In this review the current concepts in the understanding of PA and its management is presented.

Key words: Primary Hyperaldosteronism, Conns syndrome

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