Burning mouth syndrome is a chronic disease characterized by taste change and burning mouth feeling with oral mucosa, which is clinically normal. In the etiology of this disease, psychogenic factors such as depression and anxiety are significant. It is frequently detected in the older female patients. Our patient was a 56-year-old female. The complaints of this patient initiated with stomachache and burning mouth 10 years ago, and such complaints recurred severely within the last 4 months. According to the clinical and laboratory results of the patient, no local or systemic organic underlying reason could be detected. In the psychological evaluation of our patient, such situations as the marriage and leaving of nephew (loss of a beloved person), life dependent upon fathers wage, and unemployment, lack of support by the relatives and society (deficiency in socioeconomic life and lack of social support), mothers permission depending life and relevant behaviors (depending roughly upon the mother in daily routines) were detected to be associated with psychiatric effects particularly depression. Based upon the DSM IV criteria, a clinical negotiation was done and accordingly depression and generalized anxiety disorder were diagnosed. In Becks Anxiety Scale medium grade anxiety (BAS=17) and in Becks Depression Scale medium grade depression (BDS=20) were detected. Sertraline 50 mg/day for burning mouth syndrome and trazodone 50 mg/day for sleeping problem were administrated as well as for depression and anxiety. Additionally, individual support treatment was applied to the patient. It was detected in the control examination that BAS score was reduced to 9 and BDS score was reduced to 11.
In this study, we intended to discuss the anxiety disorder and depression connection of the patient presenting with burning mouth syndrome. In conclusion, following the exclusion of organic etiology factors in the old patients particularly presenting with burning mouth disorders, psychological factors should be considered. In addition, the importance of multidisciplinary approach is stressed. When such patients are detected, psychological analysis should be done and relevant treatment should be arranged.
Key words: burning mouth syndrome, anxiety disorder, depression