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Comparative In-vitro assessment of some pharmaceutical brands of lisinopril tablets marketed in Iraq

Asmaa abdelaziz mohamed.


This investigation aimed to evaluate the quality of specific lisinopril products available in pharmacies in Iraq. Various measures can ensure their quality and efficacy, such as utilizing quality control metrics, specifically the variability of weight, friability, content, disintegration time, and release. Depending on the results, the disintegration time for Lisinopril 20 mg tablets, Accord; Lisinopril 20 mg tablets; Bristol Lisinopril 20 mg tablets, India was 1.1, 2.5 and 0.75 minutes, respectively. All products had released ≥ 80% of their content after 30 minutes, and the content homogeneity was within the limit. The disintegration rate of Lisnop 20 mg tablets was the quickest, whereas that of Lisinopril 20 mg, Accord was the slowest. Moreover, Lisinopril 20 mg tablets, Accord tablets revealed the quickest disintegration and release 93% after 30 min and may exhibit the quickest response after administration. The results indicated that all products met the specified requirements of the United States and British Pharmacopeia. However, the best brand was Lisinopril 20 mg tablets, Accord which had the fastest release (93% after 30 minutes) and the least disintegration time.

Key words: lisinopril, assessment, hardness, dissolution, disintegration.

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