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Research Article

Evaluating nutritional values for lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) herb tea formulation used in tea bags

Tharaniya Murugan, Karthikeyan kandasamy, Sandhiya Shanmugam, Shalini Kuber, Rabiya Syed.


Tea is the second-most popular beverage engrossed after water. This study intends to formulate a herb tea using Cymbopogan citratus (lemongrass) in tea bags and evaluate its phytochemical and nutritional values. Lemongrass tea is abundant in energy, protein, carbohydrate fiber, and sodium. The method of making lemongrass tea is straightforward to prepare. It is prepared using lemongrass powder, mint leaf powder, dried ginger powder, and cardamom powder, then packed in the tea bag and dipped into hot water. Lemongrass tea boosts the immune system and detoxifies the body and it includes organic antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can help prevent free radicals in the human body when consumed daily. Alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, quinones, and tannins are among the active ingredients found in lemongrass plants. These chemicals provide antibacterial, antioxidant, pain relieving, cough and cold relief, stomach acid reduction, and aromatherapy effects due to their distinct and fresh aroma.

Key words: Lemongrass, detoxifies, immune system, beverage, digestion, Inflammation, Phytochemical

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