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Surgical Site Infections (SSIs) – The recent trends in the etiological agents and their antimicrobial resistance patterns in a teaching hospital of semi urban setup

Sriushaswini B, Archana Voleti, Subbarao Nadiminti, Ranga Rao Achanta, Balamurali Krishna Perala, Narasinga Rao Bandaru.

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Introduction: Surgical site infections (SSIs) are infections that develop within 30 days after a surgical procedure or 1 year if an implant is placed, and these Surgical site infections (SSIs) constitute a major public health problem worldwide postoperatively. The epidemiology of etiological agents causing SSIs varies nowadays, and their antimicrobial sensitivity patterns lead to more resistant forms, morbidity and mortality.
Materials and Methods: A cross‑sectional study analysed 336 SSIs among 4992 surgeries performed in 2 years. The etiological agents were isolated, and their antimicrobial sensitivity pattern was determined as per CLSI guidelines. The data were tabulated and statistically analyzed using SPSS software Version 25.0.
Results: Of the 4992 patients who underwent elective or emergency surgeries, 336 developed SSIs in the hospital, with a prevalence of 6.73%. The male-female ratio is 1.95:1. The prevalence is more in the age group of 40-60 yrs rather than >60yrs. Staphylococcus aureus (30.58%) is the major pathogen, followed by Escherichia coli (19.42%). Staphylococcus aureus is highly sensitive to Lenezolid (98.82%) and Escherichia coli to Amikacin (94.44%)
Conclusion: The information on common microbial isolates and their antibiogram of each institution helps to start empirical prophylactic antimicrobials for starting the treatment to avoid the inappropriate and prolonged use of antibiotics that can lead to the development of resistant microorganisms and a robust antibiotic policy which results in better patient care and healthcare outcomes.

Key words: Surgical Site Infection (SSI), Antimicrobial resistance, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Linezolid

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