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Review Article

IJPRT. 2020; 10(2): 10-14

Fingerprint Based Watermarking Using DWT and LSB Algorithm



Present age is the age of information and digital multimedia plays a very vital role in the representation, expression and propagation of the information. Equally important is to secure the information from being duplicated, altered and mutilated. Digital watermarking, hence has become a research topic to safeguard the copyright of the content. This work provides an innovative image watermarking scheme in two transform domains – Discrete Cosine Transform and Discrete Wavelet Transform. It is proved that DWT is more suited for authentication of fingerprints. DWT is better than DCT because the decomposition of images into three different levels. And concluded using the parameter mean square error, PSNR. From the study, it is obvious that DWT is better technique than DCT for the application of watermarking.

Key words: Digital Watermarking, Discrete Cosine Transformation, Discrete Wavelet Transform, DWT, LSB

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