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Case Report

Med Arch. 2019; 73(6): 436-437

Complete Molar Pregnancy in Posmenopausal Woman-a Case Report

Jasenko Fatusic, Igor Hudic.


Introduction: Gestational trophoblastic desease (GTD) is disease typical for reproductive period of women and is extremly rare in postmenopausal period of woman’s life. Aim: To present a rare case of mollar pregnancy in 57 years of age postmenopausal woman. Case report: A multiparous woman aged 57 years, and two yars after last menstrual bleeding, was admitted at Clinic, due to hyperplastic endometrium findings and moderate prolonged postmenopausal uterine bleeding. Due to clinical simptoms we performed diagnostic exploratice curettage. During that intervention heavy bleeding was developed resulting in spontaneous expulsion of tumorous mass wich macroscopic looked as a mollar tissue. Imediatelly after intervention level of β HCG was 193,057mlU/mL. Due to very high level of β HCG patient was taken to laparotomy and during the surgery dicision was made to perform total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral adnexectomy. Eight day after surgery patient was discharged from Clinic in good condition. Hystopathological examination of material obtained by explorative curettage and uterus showed complete mollar pregnancy. Controlled level of β HCG was 1,996 mlU/mL fifth day after surgery.Conclusion: Although molar pregnancy in postmenopausal period of woman’s life is very rare disorder, because of potentialy heavy complications it is very important to recognise this disorder at time, to prevent delay of treatment.

Key words: molar pregnancy, postmenopausal.

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