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Original Article

Med Arch. 2019; 73(6): 394-398

A Clinical Study of Basal Cell Carcinoma

Emina Kasumagic-Halilovic, Mediha Hasic, Nermina Ovcina-Kurtovic.


Introduction: Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a non-melanocytic skin malignancy arising from basal cells of epidermis or follicular structures. Etiology of BCC is a multifactorial combination of genotype, phenotype, and environmental factors. There are several clinical variants of BCC including nodular, cystic, superficial, morphoeic, keratotic, pigmented and micronodular. Aim: The aim of our study was to analyze the recent clinical trends of basal cell carcinoma by reviewing a single institution’s experience. Methods: Total number of 422 patients clinically diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma were included in the study. Data on age, gender, skin type, personal and family history, duration of disease, localization of lesions, clinical type of lesions, and recurrence rate were collected and analyzed. The data were statistically evaluated. Results: More than 80% of all BCC’s were located on sun-exposed skin areas (p

Key words: basal cell carcinoma, subtype, ultraviolet radiation.

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