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Research Article

IJLSAS. 2019; 1(1): 50-57

Keratin-Associated Protein (Kap) 8 Gene Polymorphism And Its Association With Wool Traits In Rambouillet Sheep

Vikas Mahajan*1, A K Das2, R K Taggar3, Dhirendra Kumar4 And Nazam Khan5.


In the present study, KAP 8 gene polymorphism and its association with wool traits in Rambouillet sheep was investigated by using SSCP-PCR. Genomic DNA was isolated from blood samples of 100 Rambouillet sheep. A 194 bp segment was amplified by PCR using ovine specific primers for KAP 8 gene. The results identified 3 genotypes, viz. AA, AB and BB with genotype frequencies were 0.14 (14), 0.44 (44) and 0.42 (42) respectively with allele frequencies for allele A (0.36) and allele B (0.64). The χ²-test showed that the genotype distribution was in agreement with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). KAP 8 gene has significantly higher greasy fleece weight (P

Key words: Keratin Associated Protein 8, PCR-SSCPP, Polymorphisms, Rambouillet Sheep, Wool Traits

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