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Review Article

Cryotherapy of Genital Warts

Mahira Jahic.


Introduction: Genital warts are a frequent form of sexually transmitted disease. Cryotherapy represents the first line of therapy. Healing occurs in 94%, and recurrence in 10% . Side effects are common during the treatment. Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the successfulness of cryotherapy of genital warts, frequency of recurrence, and side effects. Patients and methods: In a retrospective study, data from 50 women with genital warts who were treated in the Gynecological Centre “Dr Mahira Jahić” in Tuzla in a period from 2012–2018 were analyzed. Every woman was treated with cryotherapy. Treatments were repeated every 7 days, maximal number of treatments being 7. In processing of data, X2statistical method was used. Results: 50% (N-25) of genital warts eliminated after 3 treatments with cryotherapy . Genital warts are eliminated in 78% (N-39) of women, while this treatment was unsuccessful in 18% (N-9). Recurrence after 3 months in 4% (N-2). Most common side effect was exudation in 78% (N-39), swelling in 72% (N-36) and pain in 66% (N-33). PAP smears in women with genital warts in 64% (N-34) of cases were inflammatory benign changes, while in 36% (N-18) mild abnormal changes in cells ASCUS and LSIL were found. LSIL lesions of cervix are more common (p

Key words: Cryotherapy, genital warts, HPV.

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